Generator negativnih ionov

Negativni ioni  izboljšajo metabolizem, zmanjšajo utrujenost, stres in bolečino, vzdržujejo hormonsko ravnovesje, blagodejno vplivajo na krvni tlak, čistijo zrak bakterij in virusov.
Kisik, ki ga vdihavamo v pljuča prodre skozi pljučne mešičke v kri samo zaradi svojega negativnega naboja.
Vse bolj problematično pa postaja premajhna količina negativnih ionov v zraku. V bivalnih prostorih je teh delcev le 20-30 na cm3. 
Za optimalno klimo je najugodneje, če je v prostoru, kjer preživljamo več časa, čim večja količina negativnih ionov, ki blagodejno očiščujejo zrak.
NIG-160 Ionizator. Ionizator je vgrajen v estetsko oblikovan notranji zaščitni pokrov za SEVi-160, primeren pa je tudi za prezračevalne naprave Ø160mm drugih proizvajalcev.


Know How to Keep Up with Vent Cleaning in Your Home

How often should you clean your vents and your ducts? Is it an annual need? Can you do it yourself, or should you hire a professional? How do you do it, and what effect will it have on your indoor air quality? Here’s how to keep up with vent cleaning in your home. DIY Vent […]


Get the Most Efficient Vent Cover Material for Your Home

The vent covers that attach to your ductwork openings are essential for the proper functioning of your HVAC system. There’s a variety of vent cover materials to choose from. Let’s break down the different types of covers and the materials that suit them. Registers Registers are small, louvered vent covers that control the flow of […]


Learn the Ins and Outs of Dryer Vent Safety in Your Home

Fires caused by obstructed home dryer vents are not uncommon.  Dryers are the main culprit in more than 90% of house fires that are attributed to laundry units. Dryers combine two very flammable elements: high temperatures and fabric lint. If the combustion temperature is reached, excessive lint that has accumulated inside the dryer vent pipe may ignite and […]


Know What to Do When It Comes to Vent Cleaning in Your Home

When cleaning your Lorain home, it’s easy to overlook your HVAC vents. Heated or cooled air flows through these vents and into different rooms, which helps your home feel comfortable in all seasons. Over time, your vents can become dusty or dirty, lowering your indoor air quality (IAQ). Keep the following tips on vent cleaning […]


Find Out If Your Air Ventilation System Is Working Properly

There is quite a focus on indoor air quality these days. This is partly due to the concern surrounding COVID-19. Yet, the quest for healthier indoor air was already in progress for a few decades, as demonstrated by the growing popularity of air ventilation systems. By using an air ventilation system in a home, the homeowner is able to bring in fresh outdoor […]


Consider Ventilating Your Garage

As concern about healthy indoor air quality increases, proper garage ventilation is an issue many homeowners are considering. Residential garages are typically closed most of the time and may serve as a reservoir of concentrated airborne fumes and contaminants that find their way indoors. These may be vapors from stored chemicals such as paint, solvents […]


ZRAK. Koliko ga potrebujemo ?

Današnja novogradnja z “debelo” toplotno izolacijo, dobrimi okni (do 3 stekla), ki tesnijo skoraj 100%,  je rezultat naše želje po zmanjšanju stroškov ogrevanja / hlajenja hiše, stanovanja ali podobnega. Poti dobre gradnje sežejo tako daleč, da se vedno bolj pojavljajo t.i. pasivne hiše, ki imajo zelo majhno letno potrebo po toplotni energiji (do 15 kWh […]


Klasifikacija filtrov ISO 16890/EN 779

Klasifikacija filtrov ISO 16890 /EN 779 Standard ISO 16890 zagotavlja postopke določanja, ki bolj realistično simulirajo dejanske delovne pogoje in nadomeščajo klasifikacijo starih standardnih filtrov G1 – F9 s sistemom klasifikacije, ki temelji na delcih PM1, PM2,5 in PM10. Učinki trdnih delcev (PM) na zdravje ljudi so bili temeljito preučeni in rezultati kažejo, da je droben […]
